Woodbine Mohawk Park to celebrate International Women’s Day on March 9

MILTON, February 28, 2023 – Woodbine Mohawk Park is proud to celebrate the women of harness racing for International Women’s Day during live racing on Thursday, March 9.
The International Women’s Day race will highlight the evening’s celebrations on March 9. A field of 10 women drivers will take the spotlight for the race. The field of drivers for this year’s race is listed below:
Anita Ouellette
Debi O’Brien-Moran
Jesse Turenne
Julie Walker
Kayla Chappell
Maggie Jones
Marie Claude Auger
Marielle Enberg
Natasha Day
Samara Johnson
Natasha Day captured last year’s International Women’s Day race. Day enjoyed a career year in 2022, capturing the OLG Ontario Women’s Driving Championship and the Holiday Drivers Challenge at Western Fair. Day finished the 2022 campaign with a career high 74 wins and $477,489 in earnings.
The International Women’s Day celebration night at Mohawk Park will see the simulcast anchored by Monique Vág, Woodbine racing host/analyst, and special guest Elissa Blowe, former Woodbine racing analyst.
Trackside Bar at Woodbine Mohawk Park is open for reservations and will be offering an event drink special. To make a reservation, click here.
Post time for the International Women’s Day celebration on Thursday, March 9 is 7 p.m.
For the latest information, visit WoodbineMohawkPark.com or follow @WoodbineSB or @WoodbineComms on Twitter.

Mark McKelvie